// From the studio

Wednesday at 12:33 pm, and these are my thoughts at the moment. Dan has been on call at the hospital all week, leaving poor wittle Candice all alone at the apartment. Which has looked like dinner alone, disney movies on repeat [last night I watched Marry Poppins and the new Cinderella movie], then around 9 pm I'll pour myself a glass of whiskey.. which we are recently out of so vodka soda orange juice it has been, FaceTime with Britt, then around 10:15-ish I'll shut down. Inbetween watching movies, drinking, and eating, I've had loads of time to doze off into my own head. Whenever I get down on myself aka think of all the possible reasons why I won't make it in this industry, therefore should just throw all my designs in the garbage, never try something new again in my life and just pretend like New York never happened, I'll give my head a little shake, or take a sip of my whiskey [whatever works] and read this quote. It was actually my computer desk top picture for a while. It's so true though! You always end up reaching your goals, just the way there is never the way you think it is. Trust the journey. Anyway, just my thoughts at the moment. x -C