// Currently: sipping on coffee number two

Oh hello Monday. I can't believe how quick this weekend went. Take me back to Friday cozy in my hotel room please. I'm on coffee #2 and finally feeling a little more awake. Remember that east village mural I have been working on with friends Brendan and Hannah? Well today is the official install day! I can't waitttttt to see this on the walls in their powder room. It's been a couple months in the making and perfecting, and I can say I'm feeling rather proud with the way that it turned out.

In other news, Dan and I watched Fifty Shades Of Grey this weekend while down at the shore, and umm I did not like it. Anyone else? I just felt like I was watching Twilight but with adult content. It just didn't fit. Or at least I didn't think so. Alright, getting back to the day. Talk you later. x -C