// 10.28.16
How is it already end of October. The last time I checked I was landing in Toronto from a month of traveling. It was August. Life lately has been cold. I feel fall lasts for two days here and then all of sudden it starts to snow. Besides sitting in my studio snuggled in two sweaters and uggs, I became a Godmother to my beautiful Olivia. I never thought I could love another human as much as I love her. I've been hanging at Baddies, setting up shop there when I don't feel like spending the day alone in the studio. CKD has three new custom projects on the go! All three prints super different, and totally out of my comfort zone. All things I like. Collection N 23 has started. I'm thinking launch date in the new year. It's a collection that involves loads of collaborations. Very exciting things coming. Floyd is still smiling from his recent cameo in Aleesia's new Dum video. Umm, what else. Anyone else ready for 2016 to be over? Bring on the 1 7. CKD and I are ready for a clean slate. Ok, back to work. x -C [photo above by the brilliant Seventh Step Studio]