// Back to New York City
It's been a lazy/ busy couple of days. I've managed to see a lot of friends while at the same time spend time with the family. We tried a new restaurant on Friday night called Good Son. I recommend the pizza and the brussel sprouts. I'm in the middle of packing up my suitcase and sipping on a Caesar [Canadian's better version on the Bloody Mary] when I remembered I forgot to tell you about my interview dropping tomorrow with The Style Line. In 2015 The Style Line, Elisa from Maman, and I sat down for an interview. Rachel [the founder] asked if I wanted to do a catch up interview to talk about personal and professional changes since our last conversation. I've learned a lot can happen in a year. It actually hasn't even been a year yet since I've launched my first collection. Anniversary date is May 5th [unlimited old fashions to follow]. Anyway you need to sign up for the newsletter in order to read it! Sign up here! Happy Oscar Sunday! x -C