// Location: NoMad Hotel, Dan White 

Dan White knows the way to my heart- popcorn, Old Fashions and Magic. I've never seen magic live before. The closest I've gotten is Harry Potter in theater. Considering how much I love magic I was in heaven. Dan and I went to see magician Dan White at the NoMad hotel Friday night and the show was incredible. Highly highly recommended. It left Dan and I talking about White the whole way home. Just when we thought we came up with a perfectly good explanation of how he threw a card at the window that stuck to the outside of the building. Or how he guessed words out of dictionaries, or numbers which were magically written on a powerball card before they were chosen by the audience, until we would think of something else he did that made us start from the beginning. I'm hooked, quitting my life and becoming magician. Sorry Mom.