// Life lately
Aside from all of the exciting things going on here at the CKD headquarters, I've made new friends with Chickens, learned I'm not the best tennis player - but forgot how good of a workout it was, checked out the newest Food Dudes Pantry location - which will be covered in custom CKD wallpaper, and sipped on wine in Prince Edward Country with one of my best friends. I also have a new found love for the country. For years I would drive north to open dirt roads just to clear my head when life felt heavy, in New York I would just lay on the floor staring at the ceiling singing Taylor Swift. Lately I've been envisioning my home in Canada [because I plan to have multiple] on open land with my studio in a separate barn beside my home. Maybe I'll even invite some horses to live with me. Maybe my future husband will teach me how to ride them. Ok, refilling my coffee and back to work. Keep updated with me on Snap [ckayedesign] and instagram - new things are going down in the next few weeks! x -C