// Candice Kaye Design's One Year Anniversary 

A year ago today I was sitting at my desk in New York, my hair a little shorter, CK a little younger, and nervous for 5:30 pm. It was the Launch Party of Collection N Eleven at Maman in Soho. I had a change of clothes resting on the back of my chair, I remember my hair wasn't as straight as I wanted it to be. The damn water in New York never washed the shampoo out of my hair properly. I was sweating by the time I made it to the subway from running. My party started at 7. After the launch all I remember is exhaustion. I started something that I've completely fallen in love with. There was no turning back. I sit now still at a desk, just my own. I'm blasting Views in my ears, and I just finished writing an email to a supplier in India. My embroidery samples are ready to be shipped. My hair is much longer and blonder, and I'm filled with life lessons that have made me smarter. Today Candice Kaye Design turns one year old and I'm very proud with how far it has come since May 5th of 2015. I am a hopeless romantic who believes magic and fairytales are real. How? Well you're looking at them. This is my magic. I'm hopelessly in love with what I've created. These fairytales are what kept me standing through the hard times. They kept me from drowning when reality felt too heavy and real. They pushed me to keep moving forward when it was time to move on. CKD is going nowhere but up and I couldn't be more confident with that feeling. This is just our beginning. The pavement has been set, smoothed out, and fully dried. It's time to start building on top of it. CKD and I want to do major things. Life can keep throwing curve balls, I've got the glove fitted. Changing the game one year at a time ;) x -C