
The last time I was in Paris I was 24, alone, the weather was 6 degrees celsius, and cafes with wifi were cafes of gold. Four years later, 20 degrees warmer, and I'm in the best company of family. Paris was still as beautiful as I remembered it. Even more so with the weather. Flowers were out, cafe chairs covering the sidewalks. Our hotel was coincidently right in front of the famous Serge Gainsbourg's home on Rue Verneuil. A long and quiet street that was built in 1640. The wall is covering the French singer, songwriter, pianist, film composer, poet, painter, screenwriter, writer, actor and director's home who passed in 1991. The famous tags play tribute to his brilliance. I'm not a huge museum person, to be completely honest most of the paintings and sculptures I don't understand, but my mom and I decided to be cultural and bought two tickets to the Louvre. I walked directly to Napoleon III's apartments, and I instantly fell in love with someone who died in 1873. The detail was exquisite. The rest of our Paris adventures were spent roaming around - finding new boutiques and cafes comfortable enough to sit at for three-four hours at a time. My favourite thing to do when traveling is observing the style, however Paris in August = loads of tourist. So I didn't get to stare down all the cool Parisians roaming around. Those that I did see were dressed very bohemian. Not the men - same as always, jeans rolled up, T, beards, runners, all whilst holding a cigarette. Me likie :) Me likie Paris a lot. 

I'm currently writing this while sitting in my hotel room in Florence! The CKD travels continue. x -C