When traveling the only dates I keep track of are the ones my next flight land on. Time in between that is muffled and just sort of flows from day to day. This is the first time I've traveled with paints and my sketch book since I have deadlines to be made for CKD. CKD has two wallpaper installations on the go, and one custom wallpaper mural that is due in a couple days. Even though my week in London was filled with hours spent at the Soho House's working, not being able to physically be there to make sure everything runs smoothly has completely taken me out of my comfort zone. Yesterday I found myself walking through Hampstead Heath park with a friend from New York [who I pleasantly discovered was in London through Insta], with views of beautiful London and was reminded that somewhere between working hard, goals, blah blah, there's this thing called life. And I reckon [did you like my English slang there] that if I choose life everything else will just fall into place. Right?