Eleven floors up at the Shangri-La to meet the ladies for Danielle's 30th birthday. We ended the night one too many cocktails deep and woke up with hangovers Saturday morning. I can't believe we are all turning 30 this year. In other news, it finally feels like summer. I was on my usual clear-my-mind-country-drive when I drove by the cutest antique bookstore. I spent the rest of the day sitting on their dusty floor in heaven looking through as much as I possibility could. Serendipitous run-in actually - I got into my car frustrated because I was stuck on a concept. Took the wrong turn and bam came across the perfect place for inspiration.
Three personalized skate decks have finally arrived to London, England. I'm in the middle of designing some more + putting up a shop. That should be ready in the next month or so! The Lake Joe cottage design is all done. I loveeeee how this turned out. Just have to approve those samples. And that's about it! Just saying hi. x -C