
I remember the moment I knew I wanted to move to New York. I was sitting at a bar in the West Village, I remember there were no tables available so we were sat at the window with a ledge big enough just to hold our drinks. The windows were open letting in that New York summer air. Something about that night felt like a movie set. The trees didn’t move, the weather was perfect and I knew, I knew that I would one day live there. The vision was so clear. Betsy and I were recently in LA for our collab with her swimsuit company Unika Swim. Unika specializes in bespoke swimwear which pairs perfectly with CKD. We sourced in the garment district finding chains, rings, and finishes for the collection. And took the time to meet up with as many people as we could. I met so many new people. Their outlook on life and simply how they live their life taught me so much - just from a simple conversation. For the first time in a long time, I started to feel like I was getting a glimpse into what I want my next evolution to look like as a woman, as a business woman, as a brand, and as a company. I haven’t felt this way since that night in the West Village. Lots of vision writing lately! I can feel a shift coming, and I feel like I’ve been hiding from it for a while. I was having breakfast with cinematographer Jordan Oram over the weekend. And we were talking about success, and how fear wants you to hide from it rather than embrace it. He said, “it’s like success has been knocking on my door, and I’ve been too scared to open it, until one day I decided to embrace it. So I opened the door, invited it in to my house and learned to get to know it.” This hit home for me. I feel like I’ve been doing the same thing. My company has been growing in ways that on one hand I always knew was going to happen because I have been envisioning and manifesting these moments for a long time now. But on the other hand I still can’t believe what is happening. Jordan is right though, I’ll miss too many opportunities if I keep ignoring the knock on the door. Well, I too have opened it. I’m no longer afraid of the growth, anything is possible.