
Snuck away to a place that felt less like COVID. I have been taking advantage of this space where time feels infinite and creation exists from a place of peace and patience. Urgently creating under almost impossible deadlines not only stunts creativity but doesn’t allow for my mind to breathe, rest and reset. I’ve learned a lot about myself over the past two months at home. When things start to “click” for a company natural instinct isn’t to slow down, it’s to step up and learn how to operate at a new capacity. However, I am not a machine. Sometimes i wish i was. I am a human, with moods, and I get tired and have headaches. I like to have fun and laugh, I love my friendships & family and value my relationships, I like to travel and meet new people. I like to spend time by myself in my imaginary world and dream. My childlike self was suffering. I am my happiest when the child in me is nourished. Her innocence is what keeps the creativity alive. She reminds me to keep things light and have a sense of humour about life. I’ve learned that slowing down is necessary. I am reseting and revisiting, and rewriting what I would like my new normal to look like.