
I took this photo while in Quebec shooting our third one of one rug drop. I remember feeling tired. I remember feeling excited and hopeful for my future. I also remember feeling anxious and scared. I love to set my own timelines for when I believe or want things to happen. I forget that the timeline is not mine to make. The universe doesn’t know what the month of March means, or the word Wednesday. It moves at its own divine timing setting things up behind the scenes, only asking for patience in return. Trusting that and keeping the faith is hard. And frustrating. And annoying. While learning how to sit in this uncomfortable space life will gift tiny breakthroughs. I used to think of the word “breakthrough” as this huge shift and grand moment of doors opening bringing in all the wishes you had in front of you. Breakthrough is what we are patient for what we have been waiting for, right? Although I do believe that exists, I now also believe in tiny breakthroughs. I’ve started to sit with myself and ask myself the advice I am seeking before seeking the advice externally. As my business grows the decisions I make have a little more weight to them and it’s scary sometimes. I had to go through something recently and I decided to do it alone - for the first time I did not get reassurance, advice or an opinion. I decided and acted on what I intuitively knew was right. And you know what it was easy and actually extremely liberating. In that moment I felt a shift, a change of perspective, a tiny breakthrough. We are the only ones in our way. Sometimes it’s important to do it alone and prove to that side of you that says “you can’t” that you can, and are so capable. x C