What is divine feminine power? What does it feel like, and when I find it how do I use it? A couple questions I have been asking myself lately. I can see and feel the masculine energy within me. I see him when I’m working, when I’m networking, and pushing within my business. The masculine energy within me is external, active and forceful energy. All the things we are taught to be within the workforce or to get what you want in life. You must be fearless and take chances. Energies I know are necessary, but are they all the time? Lately life has been teaching me otherwise. There needs be a balance. I am learning to activate my divine feminine. Feminine energy is a quiet power. It is purposeful, a healing power that is in the present moment. It’s a deep knowing and moves us into a state of love and compassion, and creates space for other energies. Feminine energy is the source to healing. It is where we meet our whole self. The ego wants to distract us with desires, demands and worries. Sitting with our feminine energy is sitting with ourself at the purest form. Here we know the answers, or are able to move through difficult times with grace. It is presence and power combined in one. Sounds beautiful doesn’t it? I’ve been sitting with myself and this a lot lately, and the present moment has started to become a constant, and life is feeling just a little bit sweater. Operating through life is both feminine and masculine, it’s mastering the balance of the two that brings pure joy. Anyways, here are a couple photos of lately. I’m really really loving this Florida lifestyle. What a special place to be. Truly thankful for this opportunity. x C